How To Turn Off Gas Furnace For Summer

Important note, If your gas furnace is less than about 17 years old and/or your furnace is also the fan for your air-conditioning system. Do not turn off or shut down the heating system by any means other than the thermostat.

As the warmer months roll in, it’s time to think about turning off your gas furnace, Or should i turn off my furnace for summer to ensure safety and conserve energy. It may be beneficial to do so. Here’s how to properly shut down your gas furnace for the summer:

Adjust the Thermostat

First, make sure your thermostat is set to “off.” This simple step prevents the furnace from activating on cooler nights, saving you energy and ensuring the system remains dormant until you need heating again. For many gas furnaces, this is where you may stop in your summer shut down procedure.

Turn Off the Gas Supply

Safety is paramount, so locate the gas valve near your furnace—it will be on the gas line and look like a lever or knob. Turning this valve to the “off” position cuts the gas supply to your furnace, eliminating risks of gas leaks and accidental ignition during the off-season.

Natural gas heater replacement near Haverford Township PA. McGinley Services heating and cooling

Cut the Electrical Power

Even when not in use, your furnace’s electrical components remain active. Find the electrical switch close to your furnace, which usually resembles a regular light switch, and flip it to the off position. This step ensures no electrical power goes to the furnace, adding an extra layer of safety during its non-operational period. *do not turn off the electric if the heater fan is also used for AC.

Conduct Routine Maintenance

With your furnace off for the season, it is a great time for some maintenance. Replace the furnace filter and clean around the unit to prevent dust buildup. Inspect the furnace for signs of wear or damage. Spotting issues early can save you from costly repairs down the line. If anything looks amiss, consider calling a professional for a thorough inspection to keep your furnace in prime condition for when the cold returns.

Essential Safety Considerations:

  • Consult the User Manual: Different furnace models might have specific shutdown procedures. Always check the manufacturer’s instructions first.
  • Schedule an Annual Inspection: Having a certified HVAC technician inspect your furnace annually is crucial for maintaining its efficiency and safety. We recommend McGinley Services being A+ rated with the BBB.
  • Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Properly functioning carbon monoxide detectors are essential in homes with gas appliances, providing an early warning for any potential gas leaks.

By following these steps, you can confidently turn off your gas furnace for the summer, knowing it will be ready to efficiently heat your home when autumn arrives. Proper off-season maintenance and adherence to safety practices are key to the longevity of your furnace and the comfort and safety of your home.

Understanding Your HVAC

Navigating the world of home comfort systems can sometimes feel like deciphering a complex puzzle. With terms like HVAC floating around, it’s crucial to understand what system you have, what HVAC stands for, and the maintenance it requires, including when to change your HVAC filter, which filter is best, and where to find it. This comprehensive guide aims to demystify these aspects, ensuring you’re well-equipped to maintain a healthy, comfortable home environment.

What HVAC System Do I Have?

Identifying the type of HVAC system in your home is the first step towards efficient operation and maintenance. Typically, HVAC systems can be categorized into several types, including central air conditioning, heat pumps, furnaces, and ductless mini-splits. To determine what system you have, check the outdoor unit for model information and consult your home’s property inspection reports or user manuals. Understanding your system’s configuration will help you better manage its upkeep and efficiency.

Understanding HVAC: What Does HVAC Stand For?

HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. This umbrella term encompasses the various systems used to move air between indoor and outdoor areas, along with heating and cooling both residential and commercial buildings. An effective HVAC system not only regulates temperature but also ensures clean air circulation, contributing to the overall comfort and air quality of your living space.

Maintenance Essentials: When to Change HVAC Filter

One of the key aspects of maintaining your HVAC system’s efficiency and air quality is regularly changing the air filter. Generally, it’s advisable to change the filter every 90 days for standard 1-3 inch filters. However, if you have pets, live in a high-pollen area, or have household members with allergies, you might need to change filters more frequently—every 30 to 60 days. Regular filter changes prevent airflow blockages and ensure your system operates efficiently.

Choosing the Right Filter: Which HVAC Filter Is Best?

Selecting the right HVAC filter is crucial for balancing air quality with system efficiency. Filters are rated by their MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value), which ranges from 1 to 16 for residential systems. A higher MERV rating indicates better filtration capabilities. For most homes, a filter with a MERV rating of 8 to 13 offers a good balance, effectively removing pollutants without restricting airflow. However, for households with allergy sufferers, pets, or smokers, opting for a higher MERV rating might be beneficial.

Locating Your Filter: Where Is the HVAC Filter?

The location of your HVAC filter can vary depending on the type of system you have. Generally, filters can be found in the return air duct slot near the HVAC unit, in a wall-mounted return air grille, or inside the blower compartment of the furnace or air handler. Identifying the filter’s location is essential for regular checks and replacements. If you’re unsure, consult your system’s manual or contact an HVAC professional for guidance.


Understanding your home’s HVAC system, from its type to the specifics of filter maintenance, is key to ensuring a comfortable, healthy living environment. Knowing when to change your HVAC filter, which filter is best for your needs, and where to find it are all essential aspects of routine HVAC care. Regular maintenance not only prolongs the life of your system but also enhances your home’s air quality and energy efficiency. If you’re ever in doubt about what HVAC system you have or how to best care for it, reaching out to a trusted professional like McGinley Services can provide you with the expertise and support you need to keep your system running smoothly.

What to Do When Your Furnace Won’t Turn On After a Power Outage


Power outages, especially during the cold months, can leave homeowners in a chilly predicament when the furnace won’t kick back on. Understanding how to navigate the situation—from troubleshooting your gas heater not working after a power outage to finding alternative ways to heat your home—can ensure your family stays warm and safe. This guide provides essential steps and precautions for dealing with furnace issues and maintaining warmth in your home.

Section 1: Troubleshooting Your Furnace After a Power Outage

1.1. Safety First:

Before attempting any troubleshooting, ensure your safety. Check if the power outage is localized to your home or is a wider grid issue.

1.2. Resetting Your Furnace:

Learn the steps to safely reset your furnace. Many systems have built-in safety features that require a manual reset after a power interruption.

1.3. Checking the Thermostat:

Sometimes, the issue is as simple as a reset thermostat. Verify its settings and batteries, if applicable.

1.4. Inspecting the Circuit Breaker:

A tripped breaker is a common issue after power surges. Locate your breaker box and check for any switches that aren’t in the ON position.

1.5. Evaluating the Gas Supply:

For a gas heater not working after a power outage, ensure your gas line hasn’t been disrupted.

Section 2: How to Heat Your Home When the Furnace Goes Out

2.1. Utilizing Alternative Heat Sources:
Explore safe alternative heating options, such as electric space heaters, wood stoves, or fireplace usage.

2.2. Insulation and Heat Retention Tips:
Discover how to retain heat by insulating windows and doors, using thermal curtains, and blocking drafts.

2.3. The Importance of Layering and Body Heat:
Strategies for staying warm through clothing layers, using blankets, and the benefits of body heat.

Section 3: Preparing for Future Outages

3.1. Investing in a Generator:
Discuss the types of generators available and how they can keep critical systems, including your furnace, running during an outage.

3.2. Regular Furnace Maintenance:
Highlight how regular maintenance and inspections can prevent issues post-outage and improve the reliability of your heating system.

3.3. Smart Home Integrations:
Explore how smart thermostats and home systems can offer remote troubleshooting and alerts for furnace issues.

Section 4: Professional Help and When to Seek It

4.1. Recognizing When You Need a Professional:
Identify the signs that indicate a need for professional HVAC assistance.

4.2. Selecting the Right HVAC Professional:
Tips for choosing a reliable HVAC service provider, like McGinley Services, with an emphasis on licensed and experienced technicians.

4.3. The Role of HVAC Inspections:
The importance of annual inspections to ensure your heating system is prepared for the winter season.


Dealing with a furnace that won’t turn on after a power outage can be daunting, but being prepared and knowing how to respond can make all the difference. From troubleshooting your system to finding alternative heating methods, this guide aims to provide homeowners with the knowledge they need to stay warm and safe, regardless of what winter throws their way. Remember, when in doubt, contacting a professional like McGinley Services can ensure your heating system is in good hands.

What is SEER2 and HSPF2?

Leveraging SEER2 and HSPF2 Ratings for Maximum Savings: Insights into Heat Pump Rebates

In today’s energy-conscious world, homeowners are constantly searching for ways to enhance their home’s efficiency and comfort while minimizing costs. The recent updates to SEER2 and HSPF2 ratings, coupled with attractive incentives such as heat pump rebates under the Inflation Reduction Act, make this an opportune time to invest in your home’s heating and cooling systems. McGinley Services, a leader in HVAC solutions in Delaware County, PA, sheds light on how these developments impact homeowners.

Understanding SEER2 and HSPF2 Ratings

The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio 2 (SEER2) and Heating Seasonal Performance Factor 2 (HSPF2) are benchmarks for measuring the efficiency of air conditioners and heat pumps. These updated ratings ensure a more accurate reflection of energy consumption, guiding homeowners in choosing systems that promise significant energy savings and enhanced comfort.

The Basics of SEER2 and HSPF2

Before we delve into the calculations, let’s clarify what SEER2 and HSPF2 represent:

  • SEER2 is the updated version of the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, measuring the cooling efficiency of air conditioners and heat pumps over the cooling season.
  • HSPF2 updates the Heating Seasonal Performance Factor, assessing the heating efficiency of heat pumps throughout the heating season.

These revised standards were introduced to provide a more accurate reflection of system performance under realistic operating conditions.

Calculating SEER2: A Closer Look

The SEER2 rating is calculated by taking the total cooling output (in British Thermal Units, or BTUs) during the cooling season and dividing it by the total electric energy input (in watt-hours) over the same period. However, SEER2 adjustments account for more realistic operational temperatures and include a greater range of operating conditions to mirror real-world usage more closely. This ensures that the SEER2 rating provides a more accurate measure of an air conditioner’s or heat pump’s efficiency across varying temperatures and usage patterns.

Understanding HSPF2 Calculations

Similar to SEER2, HSPF2 is calculated by dividing the total heating output (in BTUs) by the total electricity used (in watt-hours) during the heating season. The HSPF2 standard incorporates updated testing conditions to reflect lower operating temperatures, acknowledging the reality that heat pumps work harder as the outside temperature drops. This adjustment makes HSPF2 a more reliable metric for homeowners in colder climates, where heating demands are higher.

The Significance of Heat Pump Rebates

The Inflation Reduction Act introduces substantial heat pump rebates, providing a financial incentive for homeowners to adopt more efficient heating and cooling technologies. These rebates are part of a broader federal initiative to encourage energy-efficient home upgrades, offering:

  • Heat Pump Rebates Inflation Reduction Act: Significant cost savings on the initial purchase and installation of qualifying heat pump systems.
  • Heat Pump Rebates Federal: A nationwide push towards greener, more efficient home heating and cooling solutions, with rebates and tax credits available to homeowners across the country.
  • Heat Pump Rebates 2024: Looking ahead, these incentives continue to evolve, with new opportunities for savings and efficiency improvements in the coming year and beyond.

Why Homeowners Should Care

  1. Cost Savings: The combination of SEER2/HSPF2 efficiency and heat pump rebates can significantly reduce both upfront installation costs and ongoing utility bills.
  2. Environmental Benefits: Opting for high-efficiency systems contributes to reduced carbon emissions, aligning with global sustainability goals.
  3. Enhanced Home Comfort: Modern, efficient heat pumps offer superior temperature control and humidity management, improving the overall comfort of your home.
  4. Future-Proofing: Investing in high-rated SEER2 and HSPF2 systems with the support of federal rebates ensures your home remains compliant with evolving energy standards.

How McGinley Services Supports Homeowners

McGinley Services is at the forefront of helping homeowners in Prospect Park, PA, and beyond, navigate the landscape of heat pump rebates and energy-efficient HVAC systems. Our experts provide:

  • Guidance on Rebates: Detailed information on how to qualify for and claim federal heat pump rebates, maximizing your savings.
  • Custom Solutions: Recommendations on the best SEER2 and HSPF2 rated systems tailored to your specific home needs and budget considerations.
  • Professional Installation: Expert installation services to ensure your new heat pump operates at peak efficiency, maximizing the benefits of your investment.


The combination of SEER2 and HSPF2 ratings with the financial incentives offered by heat pump rebates under the Inflation Reduction Act represents a golden opportunity for homeowners. By focusing on these key elements, you can achieve significant energy savings, improve your home’s comfort, and reduce your environmental footprint. McGinley Services is here to guide you through every step of this process, ensuring you make the most of the available rebates and incentives.

To learn more about how you can benefit from these opportunities, contact McGinley Services today. Let us help you navigate the path to a more efficient, comfortable, and cost-effective home.

Maximizing Savings 2024: The Ultimate Guide to Heat Pump Rebates in Havertown

Are you looking to maximize your savings on heat pump installations in Havertown? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will reveal the ultimate tips and tricks to help you take advantage of heat pump rebates.

By understanding the various heat pump rebate programs available in Havertown, you can make informed decisions that will save you a substantial amount of money while upgrading your HVAC system. From federal and state programs to local utility rebates, we’ve got you covered.

We will provide all the information you need, including eligibility criteria, application processes, and deadlines, ensuring that you don’t miss out on any potential savings.

But why stop at just saving money? With a heat pump rebate, you can also reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a greener environment.

So if you’re ready to make a smart investment, stay tuned for our ultimate guide to heat pump rebates in Havertown. With our expert advice, you’ll be well on your way to saving money and staying comfortable all year round.

New AC installation near Haverford Township PA. McGinley Services heating and cooling

Understanding heat pump rebates

Heat pump rebates or tax credits are financial incentives offered by various organizations to encourage the adoption of energy-efficient heating and cooling systems. Unlike traditional HVAC systems, heat pumps utilize renewable energy sources, such as the air, ground, or water, to provide both heating and cooling for your home. By switching to a heat pump, you can significantly reduce your energy consumption, resulting in lower utility bills.

Heat pump rebates are designed to offset the upfront costs of purchasing and installing these systems. They can come in the form of cash incentives, tax credits, or even low-interest financing options. The availability and amount of rebates can vary depending on your location and the specific program requirements.

To fully understand how heat pump rebates work in Havertown, it’s essential to explore the benefits they offer.

The benefits of heat pump rebates

Heat pump rebates offer a multitude of benefits for homeowners in Havertown. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key advantages: Heat pump rebates can significantly benefit homeowners in Havertown, especially when considering McGinley Services’ expertise in heating, cooling, and indoor air quality. These incentives provide a valuable opportunity for residents to save on their HVAC system upgrades while improving energy efficiency. By leveraging these rebates, homeowners can not only enjoy a more comfortable indoor environment but also reduce their energy bills in the long run. As McGinley Services continues to grow and expand its operations, it can play a crucial role in helping Havertown residents take full advantage of these rebates, thereby fostering energy-efficient homes.

Different types of heat pump rebates available

To maximize your savings on heat pump installations in Havertown, it’s crucial to understand the different types of rebates available. Here are some common types you may come across:


Peco Rebates

McGinley Services will normally file for them on your behalf and are determined by peco and paid by peco typically via Check issues to peco account holder.

ENERGY STAR Air Source Heat Pump

$200 Rebate – must meet either the Current or the Equivalent ENERGY STAR minimum requirements

  • Current: 15.2 – 17.0 SEER2, 11.7+ EER2, 7.8+ HSPF2 as certified by AHRI
  • Equivalent: 16.1 – 18.3 SEER, 12.2+ EER, 9.2+ HSPF as certified by AHRI

$300 Rebate – must meet either the Current or the Equivalent ENERGY STAR minimum requirements

  • Current: 17.1+ SEER2, 11.7+ EER2, 7.8+ HSPF2 as certified by AHRI
  • Equivalent: 18.4+ SEER, 12.2+ EER, 9.2+ HSPF as certified by AHRI
ENERGY STAR Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pump

$150 Rebate – must meet either the Current or the Equivalent ENERGY STAR minimum requirements

  • Current: 15.2 – 17.0 SEER2, 11.7+ EER2, 7.8+ HSPF2 as certified by AHRI
  • Equivalent: 16.1 – 18.3 SEER, 12.2+ EER, 9.2+ HSPF as certified by AHRI

$300 Rebate – must meet either the Current or the Equivalent ENERGY STAR minimum requirements

  • Current: 17.1+ SEER2, 11.7+ EER2, 7.8+ HSPF2 as certified by AHRI
  • Equivalent: 18.4+ SEER, 12.2+ EER, 9.2+ HSPF as certified by AHRI
Air Source Heat Pump Maintenance

$25 Rebate

  • Check and Charge Refrigerant
  • Inspect/Clean/Replace filters as needed
  • Inspect Blower motor
  • Inspect/clean condenser/if accessible evaporator coil
ECM Fan Motor

$50 Rebate

  • Eligible for all ECM Fan Motor equipped Air Handlers or Natural Gas Furnaces (Propane and oil furnaces are not eligible)

Rebate Process for Peco

  1. Refer to your proposal/invoice to verify that your equipment is ENERGY STAR® certified and meets all criteria in the above chart.
  2. Verify other eligibility requirements:
    1. Product must be new, meet Efficiency Requirements, and installed in a residence that currently receives PECO residential electric service
    2. Application for purchased/installed equipment must be submitted within 90 days of purchase/install
    3. Application must include a paid receipt with the model number, manufacturer, purchase price, and purchase date
  3. Apply in one of 3 ways:
    1. Ask your contractor to submit a rebate application on your behalf
    2. Submit an online application
    3. Mail the application PDF

Federal Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 enables Americans to enhance the energy efficiency of their homes and buildings. It achieves this by offering federal tax credits and deductions aimed at lowering energy expenses and demand. This initiative aligns with the shift towards cleaner energy sources, ultimately benefiting both the environment and individuals looking to reduce their energy bills.

You can claim: 30% of project cost for $2,000 maximum amount

What Products are Eligible?

Heat pumps are either ducted or non-ducted (mini-splits).  Eligibility depends on whether you live in the north or south


South: All heat pumps that have earned the ENERGY STAR label

North: Heat pumps designated as ENERGY STAR Cold Climate that have an EER2 > 10

Ductless (mini-splits)

South: ENERGY STAR certified heat pumps with

  • SEER2 > 16
  • EER2 > 12
  • HSPF2 > 9 

North: ENERGY STAR Cold Climate heat pumps with

  • SEER2 > 16
  • EER2 > 9
  • HSPF2 > 9.5 

Qualifying for heat pump rebates in Havertown

To qualify for heat pump rebates in Havertown, you will generally need to meet certain eligibility criteria. While specific requirements may differ between programs, here are some common factors that may determine your eligibility:

1. Residential Status:
Heat pump replacement near Haverford Township PA. McGinley Services heating and cooling

Most rebates are available only for residential properties, including single-family homes, townhouses, and apartments.

2. Heat Pump Efficiency:

The heat pump you install must meet certain energy efficiency standards. These standards can vary depending on the program and may be measured by factors such as the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) and Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF).

3. Professional Installation:

Heat pump installations must be performed by a licensed and certified HVAC professional. DIY installations are generally not eligible for rebates.

4. Proof of Purchase:

You will likely need to provide proof of purchase for the heat pump, including receipts or invoices. Make sure to keep all relevant documentation for the rebate application process.

5. Program Deadlines:

Most rebate programs have specific deadlines for applications. It’s important to submit your application within the given timeframe to be eligible for the rebate.

Finding heat pump rebate programs in Havertown

Now that you understand the benefits of heat pump rebates and the eligibility criteria, it’s time to find the available programs in Havertown.

1. Local Utility Companies: Start by contacting your local utility company to inquire about any rebate programs they offer. They often have information readily available on their websites or can provide you with the necessary details.

2. State Energy Office: Visit the website of the Pennsylvania state energy office to find information on state-level rebate programs. They may have a dedicated section for residential energy efficiency incentives.

3. Energy Star Database: Use the Energy Star database to search for heat pump rebate programs available in Havertown. Energy Star is a trusted resource that lists energy-efficient products and associated rebates across the country.

4. Local HVAC Contractors: Reach out to local HVAC contractors who specialize in heat pump installations. They often have knowledge of the latest rebate programs and can guide you in the right direction.

By exploring these resources, you can find the most up-to-date information on heat pump rebate programs in Havertown and ensure you don’t miss out on any potential savings.

Applying for heat pump rebates

Once you’ve identified the rebate programs you qualify for, it’s time to apply for the heat pump rebates. The application process may vary depending on the program, but here are some general steps to follow:

1. Gather Required Documents: Before starting the application, gather all the necessary documents, including proof of purchase, receipts, and any other supporting materials requested by the rebate program.

2. Complete the Application Form: Fill out the application form accurately and thoroughly. Double-check for any errors or missing information to avoid delays in processing your rebate.

3. Submit the Application: Submit your completed application along with the required documentation through the designated channel. This can be an online portal, mail, or in-person submission, depending on the program’s requirements.

4. Follow Up: After submitting your application, keep track of the progress and any communication from the rebate program. If there are any issues or missing documents, address them promptly to ensure a smooth processing of your rebate.

5. Receive Your Rebate: Once your application is approved, you will receive your rebate in the form specified by the program. This can be a check, direct deposit, or other payment methods.

Tips for maximizing heat pump rebates

To maximize your savings on heat pump installations in Havertown, consider the following tips:

1. Research Multiple Rebate Programs: Explore multiple rebate programs, including federal, state, and utility rebates. By combining different incentives, you can maximize your overall savings.

2. Understand Program Requirements: Familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of each rebate program. Pay attention to eligibility criteria, efficiency standards, and documentation needed to ensure you meet all the necessary qualifications.

3. Plan Ahead: Start researching and planning for heat pump rebates well in advance of your installation. Some programs may have limited funding or specific application windows, so being prepared can help you secure the rebate.

4. Work with Certified Contractors: Choose certified HVAC contractors who are knowledgeable about heat pump rebate programs. They can guide you through the process and help ensure your installation meets all the necessary requirements.

5. Keep Track of Deadlines: Mark important deadlines on your calendar to avoid missing out on any rebate opportunities. Set reminders for application submission dates and any other important milestones.

Common mistakes to avoid when applying for heat pump rebates

When applying for heat pump rebates in Havertown, it’s important to avoid common mistakes that can hinder your chances of receiving the rebate. Here are some pitfalls to watch out for:

1. Failing to Read the Fine Print: Carefully review all the terms and conditions of the rebate program to ensure you meet the requirements. Failure to comply with specific guidelines can result in your application being denied.

2. Missing Documentation: Make sure to gather and submit all the required documentation along with your application. Missing or incomplete paperwork can lead to delays or rejection.

3. Incorrect Installation: Ensure your heat pump installation is done correctly by certified professionals. Improper installations may not qualify for rebates, so it’s crucial to work with experienced contractors.

4. Waiting Too Long to Apply: Some rebate programs have limited funding or application windows. Delaying your application could result in missing out on available rebates.

5. Ignoring Program Updates: Stay informed about any updates or changes to the rebate programs. Program rules and incentives can evolve over time, so regularly check for updates to maximize your savings.

Conclusion: Saving money with heat pump rebates

In conclusion, heat pump rebates offer an excellent opportunity to maximize your savings on HVAC system upgrades in Havertown. By understanding the various rebate programs available, qualifying criteria, and application processes, you can make informed decisions that will save you money while reducing your carbon footprint.

Remember to research multiple rebate programs, plan ahead, and work with certified contractors to ensure a smooth application process. Avoid common mistakes and stay up-to-date with program updates to maximize your chances of receiving the rebate.

With our ultimate guide to heat pump rebates in Havertown, you now have the knowledge and tools to make a smart investment, save money, and stay comfortable all year round. Start exploring the available rebate programs today and unlock the full potential of heat pump savings.

How to Keep Upstairs Cool in Summer Without AC – Comprehensive Guide for Homeowners

As summer approaches, many homeowners face the challenge of keeping the upstairs of their two-story homes comfortable and cool, especially when air conditioning (AC) options are limited or non-existent. McGinley Services in Prospect Park, PA, offers expert insights into natural and efficient ways to maintain a cooler upper floor during the hot months. Here’s an expanded guide to help you beat the heat upstairs.

Understanding the Heat Dynamics in Two-Story Homes

The basic principle of heat rising makes the second floor of a home naturally warmer than the first. This situation is often compounded by factors like inadequate insulation, inefficient HVAC systems, and heat absorption through the roof. Recognizing these factors is the first step in addressing the heat issue effectively.

Advanced Strategies to Keep Upstairs Cool

Ductless Mini-split installation near Ridley Township PA. McGinley Services heating and cooling
  1. Improve Air Circulation: Utilizing fans effectively can make a significant difference. Ceiling fans should rotate counterclockwise to push cool air down. Strategically placed standing or window fans can help create a cross breeze, enhancing air movement and making rooms feel cooler.
  2. Sunlight Management: The sun can increase indoor temperatures drastically. Using blackout curtains, blinds, or shades during peak sunlight hours can block out heat. Installing reflective window films can also deflect solar heat, keeping rooms cooler without blocking the view.
  3. Attic Insulation and Ventilation: A well-insulated attic reduces heat transfer from the roof to the living spaces below. Proper ventilation in the attic, such as attic fans or ridge vents, helps expel hot air, reducing overall upstairs temperature.
  4. Thermal Decor Choices: Opting for lighter colors in bedding, curtains, and wall paint can help reflect heat instead of absorbing it. This seemingly small change can have a noticeable impact on room temperatures.
  5. Adjust Thermostat and HVAC Settings: In homes with central air, adjusting dampers to redirect more cool air upstairs can be effective. If you have a smart or programmable thermostat, setting different temperatures for each floor can help manage the heat variance between levels.
  6. Roofing Materials and Colors: For long-term heat management, consider the color and material of your roof. Lighter-colored roofing materials reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat, which can make a noticeable difference in upper-floor temperatures.
  7. Utilize Exhaust Fans: Exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms can remove hot air, especially after cooking or showering, helping to lower the temperature upstairs.
  8. Window Fan Placement: Using window fans effectively can create a draft that pulls cooler outside air into the house while expelling hot indoor air. This is especially effective during cooler evening hours.
  9. Minimize Indoor Heat Sources: Limit the use of heat-generating appliances like ovens, dryers, and dishwashers during the hottest parts of the day. Opt for outdoor grilling or microwave use instead.
  10. Upgrade Your Bedding: Switch to breathable, moisture-wicking bedding materials like cotton or linen. Cooling pillows and mattress toppers can also provide relief from the heat, ensuring a comfortable night’s sleep.
  11. Plant Shade Trees: Planting trees strategically around your property, especially near windows and on the sunnier side of your home, can naturally reduce indoor temperatures by providing shade and reducing solar heat gain.

Long-Term Home Improvement Solutions

  • HVAC System Upgrades: If your AC system is outdated or not effectively cooling your upstairs, consider an upgrade or an additional ductless mini-split system for targeted cooling.
  • Zoning Systems: Implement a zoning system in your HVAC to have different temperature controls for each floor. This can be a game-changer for multi-story homes.
  • Energy Audit: Conducting a home energy audit can reveal specific areas where your home is losing cool air or gaining heat, allowing for targeted improvements.

11 Essential Tips for Hiring the Best Heating and Cooling Contractor (and Keeping Your Home Cozy!)

Imagine stepping into your home after a long day, greeted by perfectly chilled air in the summer or cozy warmth in the winter. Ah, comfort! But maintaining that ideal temperature relies on the efficient performance of your heating and cooling systems. That’s where choosing the right HVAC contractor becomes crucial.

Let’s face it, not all contractors are created equal. So, how do you navigate the options and find the one who’ll keep your home a haven of perfect temperature and fresh air? Worry not, McGinley Services, your trusted HVAC experts, are here to guide you with 11 essential tips!

1. Know the Pros: General Contractor vs. HVAC Contractor

Think of a general contractor as a jack-of-all-trades, while an HVAC contractor is a master of climate control. For any project specifically related to heating, cooling, or indoor air quality, prioritize an HVAC specialist. Their expertise lies in the intricate world of ductwork, thermostats, and refrigerant lines, ensuring your system runs smoothly and efficiently.

2. Credentials and Certifications Matter:

Don’t let jargon fly over your head! Verify your contractor possesses relevant state licenses, Liability insurance and certifications. These credentials demonstrate their knowledge and commitment to upholding industry standards. Additionally, inquire about their educational background and apprenticeship experience. A seasoned pro with a proven track record is always a plus!

3. Seek the Full Package:

A qualified contractor should be your one-stop shop for all things HVAC. Look for one who offers a comprehensive range of services, including:

  • Installations: From furnaces and air conditioners to air purifiers and humidifiers, they should be equipped to handle all your equipment needs.
  • Repairs: Whether it’s a sputtering furnace or a sluggish fan, they should have the skills to diagnose and fix any issue.
  • System Design: Trust them to assess your home’s unique needs and design a system that fits your budget and comfort preferences.
  • Code Compliance: Rest assured they’ll follow all local building codes and safety regulations, keeping your installation worry-free.
  • Regular Maintenance: Proactive care is key! Choose a contractor who offers routine maintenance plans to prevent problems before they arise.

4. Your Home’s Personalized Diagnosis:

Your home is unique, and so should its HVAC solution! A thorough assessment is essential. Look for a contractor who takes the time to understand your specific needs, considering factors like your home’s size, insulation levels, and desired comfort level. This personalized approach ensures you get the right system for optimal performance and energy efficiency.

5. Energy Efficiency is Huge:

Save money and the planet! Choose a contractor who’s up-to-date on the latest energy-efficient technologies. They should be able to recommend systems with high SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) ratings for air conditioners and AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) ratings for furnaces, helping you keep your energy bills in check, lowering your hvac carbon foot print.

6. Embrace the Cutting Edge:

Technology is constantly evolving, and so should your HVAC system! Choose a contractor who stays informed about the latest advancements and trends in the industry. This ensures they can offer you the most innovative and effective solutions for your home comfort needs. Like smart home integrations, apps more advanced heating and cooling systems.

7. Proven Track Record of Success:

A good reputation speaks volumes. Look for a contractor with a solid history of satisfied customers. Read online reviews, check references, and ask around your community. Positive feedback is a strong indicator of quality workmanship and reliable service. Additionally being accredited with the BBB is a strong indication to the companies quality of work and ethics due to the Better Business Bureau‘s code of ethics.

8. Transparency is King:

Hidden costs and surprise fees are deal breakers. Choose a contractor who provides clear, detailed quotes upfront, explaining how they arrive at their pricing. This transparency fosters trust and allows you to make informed decisions about your budget. Some contractors may give a lower bid knowing they have cut critical components, features or other potentially important parts of the job out, that you the home owner will need to address down the road.

9. Communication is Key:

Throughout the project, you deserve to be kept in the loop. Choose a contractor who communicates clearly and promptly. They should be available to answer your questions, address concerns, and explain any technical aspects in a way you understand. Effective communication builds trust and ensures a smooth, stress-free experience.

10. When Emergencies Strike:

Life throws curveballs, and sometimes your HVAC system does too. That’s why it’s crucial to choose a contractor with reliable emergency services. Look for one who offers nm prompt response times outside regular business hours. Knowing you have backup when unexpected glitches occur provides peace of mind.

11. Warranty and After-Service Support:

Even the best systems can experience occasional hiccups. Choose a contractor who offers a comprehensive warranty on their work and provides reliable after-service support. This ensures you’re covered if any issues arise after the installation.

Understanding Strange Noises and Whistling in Your HVAC System

Homeowners often encounter various sounds from their heating systems, ranging from odd noises to specific issues like furnace whistling. This guide combines insights on general strange noises with a detailed look at furnace whistling, especially prevalent in locales like Drexel Hill and Havertown. McGinley Services, with their expertise in AC and heater repair, offers solutions and preventative measures for these concerns.

water heater installation in Aston 

10 Common Noises From Your HVAC System and Their Meanings

Heater Banging
AC Whistling
Furnace Knocking
Furnace or Boiler Rumbling
Ac / Furnace Humming
HVAC Screeching, Scraping or Metallic noises
Hot Water Heater Noises
Heat Pump Vibration or Shaking
Rattling or Banging Ducts
Gurgling or Banging Noise in Your Radiator or Baseboard

1. Heater Banging

A loud bang from your furnace can be startling and is a sign that shouldn’t be ignored. Often, this noise is attributed to problems with the ignition system or due to the natural expansion and contraction of the ductwork as it heats up and cools down. These banging sounds could indicate a delayed gas ignition, which can be dangerous, or simply the ducts adjusting to temperature changes. However, distinguishing between these causes can be challenging without professional expertise. Therefore, it’s crucial to have such occurrences examined and repaired by a skilled technician from McGinley Services. Their thorough inspection can swiftly diagnose the issue, ensuring the safety and efficiency of your heating system.

2. AC Whistling

Hearing a whistling sound from your air conditioning unit is often a signal of airflow obstructions or blockages within the system. Common culprits include dirty or clogged air filters, which can impede the smooth flow of air and create that distinctive whistling noise. While replacing or cleaning the air filters is a straightforward and effective first step, the issue can sometimes be more complex, involving ductwork problems or other internal blockages. In such cases, it’s advisable to seek the help of professional technicians from McGinley Services to repair AC. Their expertise ensures not only the identification but also the comprehensive resolution of the underlying cause, restoring optimal function and efficiency to your AC unit

3. Furnace Knocking

Knocking sounds emanating from your furnace are not only unusual but potentially indicative of significant issues within the system. These noises often suggest problems with the furnace’s internal components, such as the fan or the fan belt. Such sounds could be a warning that these parts are misaligned, loose, or in need of repair or replacement. In these scenarios, it is advisable to err on the side of caution: turn off the furnace to prevent further damage and contact a professional technician from McGinley Services. Their experienced team can accurately diagnose and swiftly remedy the problem, ensuring your furnace operates smoothly and safely

4. Furnace or Boiler Rumbling

A low rumbling sound from your furnace or boiler usually signals a need for prompt attention, as it may indicate a burner issue. This sound can be a symptom of minor inefficiencies within the burner mechanism, affecting the unit’s performance. While this is often a manageable repair, it’s important to address it swiftly to maintain the system’s optimal functioning and ensure your comfort. To ensure everything is functioning properly and safely, it’s a good idea to have skilled technicians from McGinley Services examine and resolve the issue. Their professional expertise can quickly identify and rectify the problem, restoring the smooth and efficient operation of your heating system

5. Ac / Furnace Humming

The presence of a humming noise in your AC or furnace is typically normal, often just a sign of your system at work. However, if this humming escalates into a persistent and loud sound, it could be an indication of deeper issues, particularly concerning the motor or fan. Such a consistent, loud hum might suggest that these components are working under strain or encountering a malfunction, which can affect both the efficiency and longevity of your system. In these instances, it’s prudent to consult with professionals. Seeking the expertise of McGinley Services ensures that any potential problems are diagnosed accurately and addressed promptly, safeguarding the smooth operation and reliability of your heating and cooling systems

6. HVAC Screeching, Scraping or Metallic noises

If your HVAC system starts producing screeching, scraping, or other metallic noises, it’s often a telltale sign of mechanical problems that need immediate attention. These sounds can indicate issues such as a loose blower fan, misaligned parts, or other components that may be wearing out or functioning improperly. Such noises should not be ignored, as they can lead to more significant problems if left unattended. It’s crucial to have your system inspected by a professional as soon as these sounds are noticed. McGinley Services offers expert inspection and repair services, ensuring that any mechanical issues are promptly and effectively resolved, maintaining the integrity and efficiency of your HVAC system.

7. Hot Water Heater Noises

If your hot water heater begins to emit hissing, popping, crackling, or sizzling sounds, it’s important to pay attention, as these noises can point to several potential issues. Hissing often indicates the presence of sediment build-up in the tank, which can affect the heater’s efficiency and longevity. Popping or crackling sounds may occur when water beneath the sediment layer starts to boil, while sizzling noises can be a sign of condensation or even a minor leak in the system. Regular maintenance and inspection are key to addressing these issues effectively. Consulting with McGinley Services can ensure that your water heater is functioning properly and efficiently, as they can expertly handle cleaning, repairs, or any necessary adjustments.

8. Heat Pump Vibration or Shaking

Vibrations, shaking, or humming noises from your heat pump can indicate several issues, including the unit being on an uneven surface, loose internal components, or even ice build-up. Particularly in colder climates, ice can accumulate on the heat pump, causing it to work harder and potentially vibrate more. These vibrations not only reduce the efficiency of the unit but can also lead to more serious mechanical problems if not addressed. Regular maintenance, such as ensuring the unit is level, tightening loose parts, and checking for ice accumulation, is key. If these issues continue, professional assistance from McGinley Services is recommended. Their expertise in heat pump maintenance can help in identifying and resolving these issues, ensuring optimal performance and longevity of your system

9. Rattling or Banging Ducts

Hearing rattling or banging sounds from your ductwork is a common issue that typically points to loose components within the duct system. This can often be a straightforward fix, such as tightening loose fittings or securing detached segments. However, these noises can sometimes be symptomatic of broader issues within your heating and cooling system, such as pressure imbalances or significant wear and tear. While some of these problems can be easily remedied, others might require a more in-depth approach. Therefore, it’s advisable to seek a professional evaluation from a company like McGinley Services. Their experienced technicians can provide a thorough inspection, ensuring not only that the immediate issue is resolved but also that your overall HVAC system is functioning optimally and efficiently.

10. Gurgling or Banging Noise in Your Radiator

Gurgling or banging sounds from your radiator or baseboard heating system can be a clear indication of trapped air within the pipes. The gurgling usually occurs when air pockets obstruct the water flow, causing disruption in the system’s efficiency. Meanwhile, banging noises often result from air bubbles slamming into the joints or bends in the piping as water circulates. These air-related noises not only reduce the effectiveness of your heating but can also lead to increased stress on the system’s components. To address this, a professional intervention, such as the services offered by McGinley Services, is advisable. Their technicians can expertly bleed the system to remove trapped air, ensuring smooth and efficient operation and extending the lifespan of your heating system.

Why Does My Furnace Whistle?

In Drexel Hill and Havertown, furnace whistling is often due to airflow disturbances or mechanical malfunctions, as detailed below:

  • Airflow Issues: Limited airflow due to dirty air filters or blocked return air vents is the most common cause. Regular filter replacement and ensuring vent clearance are essential.
  • Ductwork Problems: Aging or damaged ductwork, particularly in older homes, can lead to air leaks and whistling sounds.
  • Vents Regulation: Improperly managed supply vents can disrupt air pressure balance, leading to whistling.
  • Air Duct Leaks: Older ductwork, especially in Delaware County, PA, often lacks adequate sealing, leading to air leakage and consequent whistling.

System Malfunctions

  • Leaks: Gas or refrigerant leaks can cause whistling and require urgent professional attention.
  • Blower Motor Issues: Problems here can lead to insufficient air intake and whistling, necessitating professional repair.

Professional HVAC Services by McGinley Services

For comprehensive solutions, including duct cleaning, resealing, leak repairs, and general HVAC maintenance, McGinley Services is your go-to expert. Their proficiency in AC and heater repair is crucial for addressing and resolving complex issues in both heating and cooling systems.

Preventative Measures

Routine maintenance, including annual professional servicing and keeping vents unobstructed, is key in preventing furnace whistling and ensuring effective operation. McGinley Services provides tailored maintenance plans suitable for the unique heating systems in Drexel Hill and Havertown.


Understanding the nature of strange noises, particularly furnace whistling, is crucial for homeowners in areas like Drexel Hill and Havertown. Regular maintenance and professional services from McGinley Services are essential in addressing these issues. Their expertise in AC repair, heater repair, and HVAC system maintenance ensures your system’s optimal functionality and longevity.